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Hampton Lucy Church of England Primary School

Hampton Lucy CofE Primary School


Four mornings a week we gather either in the hall or classrooms, where we come together for our daily act of worship.  We follow the Worship Scheme Roots and fruits.

Every other Friday afternoon we celebrate outstanding achievements in our ‘Happy Book’ Celebration Worship.  Parents and Carers are invite to join us for 9.05am. 

The ‘Happy Book’ acknowledges the hard work of individual pupils in any aspect of school life. Children are also encouraged to speak about what they have done, and this helps to build confidence in public speaking.

Children also receive certificates for House Star achievements, Mathletics and any special events or activities in school.  Marvelous Maths badges are also awards.

Children are invited to share achievements from outside school, sporting, musical or fundraising.

Celebration Worship is a lovely opportunity for the school to build a sense of community. The children are proud of their achievements and are keen to go home and share with their family why they have been celebrated.