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Hampton Lucy Church of England Primary School

Hampton Lucy CofE Primary School

SIAMs Report

At the end of the summer term Hampton Lucy Church of England School and Nursery had their SIAMs inspection.  

“Our Inspector recognised how pupils and adults flourish as part of the Hampton Lucy family.  Pupils gain a love of learning through a curriculum that is right for the pupils in their school.  Leaders in the school have made bold decisions to develop the curriculum ensuring pupils make connections with the wider world which in turn develops an empathy for others.”

“Pupils and adults are cared for deeply in this school.  As a result, they care for one another and are proud of one another’s achievements.  Pupils behave well and treat each other with dignity and respect.  All pupils are seen as individuals who are loved and cared for whatever their needs or background may be.  Leaders do all they can to ensure that pupils are included and supported to flourish.”

“Our governors know the vision of the school well.  They use it when making decisions with in the school to ensure they make a difference.  They care passionately about the wellbeing of all at the school and pupil and staff are at the centre of their discussions.”

“Collective worship is a valued time within the school.  It is an opportunity that brings the whole school together.  It enables pupils and adults to find ‘a piece of stillness no matter how chaotic the world around you.’”

The report has highlighted our heart and the impact of the hard work carried out by Leaders, Governors, Staff, Parents and Children.  Through love and care, the school grows eager learners in a culture of respect.

Full the full report see below.

siams report hampton lucy church of england vc primary school 125635 090724 1 .pdf