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Hampton Lucy Church of England Primary School

Hampton Lucy CofE Primary School

School Uniform

We encourage our children to wear uniform:


·         White shirt/blouse

·         Maroon sweatshirt/cardigan

·         Grey/black trousers  

·         Grey pinafore or skirt.


·         Plain white T-shirt/school polo shirt,

·         Grey shorts

·         Red or blue gingham dress.

PE Kit

·         School Maroon sweatshirt/cardigan

·         Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings

·         White T Shirt

·         Trainers


Uniforms can be purchased via the internet from – www.YourSchoolUniform.com 

They will deliver uniform orders to your home or work address free of charge and a small commission from each item purchased goes to the ‘Friends of Hampton Lucy School’ for the benefit of the children in school. If you need help with ordering please let the school office know.  All clothing should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.

PE and Art/DT clothing

Children wear their PE kit to school on the days their classes have I timetables and if they are attending an after school sports club.

Younger children often work outside using our rural surroundings and a pair of wellies will be requested by class teachers when required in classes 1 and 2.

All children are equipment with art overalls when working with art mediums.  Parents may wish to provide their own.