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Hampton Lucy Church of England Primary School

Hampton Lucy CofE Primary School

Onside Coaching - After School Clubs

We offer a broad range of Activities and Clubs for a small school.

A variety of clubs are run after school from 3.15pm – 4.30pm. 

Our clubs are run by Onside Coaching and presently we offer:

Monday: Gymnastics (for all)

Gymnastics provides a great opportunity for children to try something new or different. The club will focus on developing safe and effective ways to use key skills such as travelling, balancing, coordination, leaps, jumps and much more. It is also good as a cross sport skill with flexibility and controlling the body in ways that aids and supports many areas of development.


Thursdays: KS2 Football

Football club will focus on gaining skills and confidence for all children and help develop children’s knowledge further. Children will learn skills such as dribbling, passing, shooting and control. Each week the club will focus on ball skills, techniques and skills ending with small sided games.

All children will require Shin Pads

Booking is made directly to Onside Coaching.