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Hampton Lucy Church of England Primary School

Hampton Lucy CofE Primary School


DfE [Department for Education] regulations mean that schools are required to keep very accurate records of attendance. It is therefore essential that we are informed by telephone or in writing of the reason for a child’s absence from school.  Please make a telephone call or send an email on the first morning of absence to the school office by 9.00am.

Holidays during term–time

Parents do not have any entitlement to take their children on holiday during term time. Any application for leave must establish that there are exceptional circumstances and the Head Teacher must be satisfied that the circumstances warrant the granting of leave.

The application form is available from the school office for the parents to complete.

Change of address / telephone number

If you move house or change your telephone number, please inform the school office immediately of the new details. We require all parents to give us written information about emergency contacts. All information is given in confidence in line with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) and is held on the school administration computer.

Accidents and Emergencies

In case your child suffers an accident or sudden illness during school hours, we need to have a contact number so that a parent or nominated relative can be contacted to collect a child from school.  We also ask you to let us know about any allergies that may affect your child, so that members of staff are aware of any problems that could arise during the school day.


We regret that members of staff are not allowed to give medication to children in school, but if it is essential, parents are welcome to come into school to administer medicines themselves. We would also like to be informed about any medication that the children are able to use themselves (such as inhalers for asthma, hay fever etc.).  A medicine in school form must be completed for any medicines held in school.