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Hampton Lucy Church of England Primary School

Hampton Lucy CofE Primary School


The school admits children from Hampton Lucy, Charlecote and other nearby communities. Currently some children also attend our school from villages outside our catchment area and we are always pleased to welcome prospective parents who feel that a small village school would be the most suitable for their child.

If you live in Warwickshire and your child is due to start school in the September following their 4th birthday, it is now possible for you to apply online at www.warwickshire.gov.uk/admissions.  For further information please contact the School Admissions Department on 01926 414143.

Children are admitted to our school at the beginning of the Academic Year in which they are five. There are several opportunities during the preceding year for the children and parents to visit us and familiarise themselves with the school, including a series of mornings in school for the new admissions. An Induction Booklet of information is given to parents.

The new Reception children start school full–time.  This can be adapted and a more graduated timetable can be developed to meet the needs f individual children. This ensures a smooth transition from home to school.

Other children new to the school can be admitted to older year groups, if there is a vacancy.  Please contact the school office to arrange a visit to our school, telephone: 01789 84039 or Email: admin3031@welearn365.com